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Everybody wants a lean muscular physique. Like anything worth having, wanting it isn t enough. You have to commit to a rigorous diet and training program that will tax your strength mentally as well as physically. To help satisfy these demands, ON s Essential Amino Energy combines an optimal ratio of rapidly absorbed free form amino acids- including muscle building BCAAs and arginine for more intense vascular pump - with natural energizers, beta Alanine, and N.O. boosting ingredients to help you reach your next level. And at just 10 calories per serving it makes a big impression without denting your diet. Mix up Essential Amino Energy by itself - or stack it with your favorite powdered supplements - anytime you want to dial up mental focus, physical energy, N.O. production and recovery support.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 2Scoops(9g)
Servings Per Container: 65

Amount Per Serving
Calories 10
Total Carbohydrate 2g 1%*

Amino Blend 5g †
Micronized Taurine, Micronized L-Glutamine, Micronized L-Arginine, Micronized L-Leucine, CarnoSyn® Beta- Alanine, Micronized Citrulline, Micronized L-Isoleucine, Micronized L-Valine, Micronized L-Tyrosine, Micronized L-Histidine, Micronized L-Lysine, Micronized L-Phenylalanine, Micronized L-Threonine, Micronized L-Methionine

Energy Blend 160mg †
Caffeine (From Green Tea)‡, Green Tea Extract (Camellia Sinensis)(Leaf)(Standardized For EGCG), Green Coffee Extract

Malic Acid, Natural & Artificial Flavors, Tartaric Acid, Silicon Dioxide, Calcium Silicate, Citric Acid, Sucralose, Gum Blend (Cellulose Gum, Xanthan Gum, Carrageenan), Lecithin, FD&C Blue #2. FD&C Red #40, Inulin


Mix two scoops of ESSENTIAL AMINO ENERGY in 10-12 oz of cold water.

FOR AN AMINO ACID BOOST: Consume one or more servings first thing in the morning and/or between meals. FOR PRE-WORKOUT ENERGY: Take 1-3 servings 20-30 minutes before training. FOR POST-WORKOUT RECOVERY: Take 1-2 servings immediately after training.

*Percent Daily Values are based in a 2,000 calorie diet.
**Daily Value not established.

- 아미노산.
- Micronized 공법 제품으로 기존 아미노산 제품보다 더욱 빠른 흡수 속도와 흡수율.
- 아미노산을 따로 모아 높은 제품이라 고급 제품입니다.
- BCAA를 포함한 필수 아미노산으로 이루어졌습니다.
- 우리 몸에서 소화과정을 거치지 않고 필요한 아미노산을 신속히 근육에 전달합니다.
- 근성장 및 회복을 촉진합니다.
- 단백질의 흡수를 가속화합니다.
- 1회 섭취량당 10칼로리에 해당합니다.
- 음료에 쉽게 용해됩니다.
- 1회 2스푼씩 사용하며, 음료의 종류와 양은 임의대로 조절 가능합니다.
- 아미노산 증진 목적 : 아침 그리고 각 식사 사이에 섭취하시면 됩니다.
- 운동전 목적 : 운동전 20~30분전에 그리고 운동후 즉시 섭취하시면 좋습니다.